Documents and regulations
Regulations on joining IMAF-EURASIA members
1. General Provisions
1.1. Members of the RPO “RE “IMAF-Eurasia” (hereinafter referred to as the Organization) may be regional representative offices.
1.2. Individuals can become members as “individual members” if there is no regional representative office of the RPO “RE “IMAF-Eurasia” in the region where they live.
1.3. Legal entities can become members of the RPO RE IMAF-Eurasia if there is no regional representative office of the RPO RE IMAF-Eurasia in the region where they are registered.
2. Rights of members
2.1. In accordance with the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations”, as well as the Charter of the ROO “RE “IMAF-Eurasia”, regardless of the type of membership, regional representative offices have the right:
- receive information about the activities of the Organization;
- resign from membership of the Organization at your own discretion;
- make proposals for consideration by the General Meeting of Members of the Organization;
- receive information materials available to the Organization;
- participate in the implementation of projects, programs and other activities of the Organization.
2.2. In addition to the rights provided for in clause 2.1. of these Regulations, individual members are given the opportunity to: attend seminars, conferences, discussion clubs and other regular events held by the Organization.
3. Responsibilities of members of the Organization
3.1. Members of the Organization, regardless of the type of membership, voluntarily assume the following responsibilities:
- comply with the provisions of the Charter of the Organization, internal documents of the Organization and carry out decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization;
- refrain from any actions that may harm the interests of the Organization, its prestige and public reputation, as well as the interests of the members of the Organization;
- support and promote the ideas of the Organization;
- not to disclose confidential information about the activities of the Organization;
- provide information necessary to resolve issues related to the activities of the Organization.
4. Conditions and procedure for admission to membership of the Organization
4.1. The organization is open for new Members to join.
4.2. Admission of a new Member of the Organization is carried out by decision of the Board of the Organization on the proposal of the President of the Organization. Refusal of admission is carried out without explanation.
4.3. A person wishing to become a Member of the Organization fills out and sends the following documents by e-mail to the Organization:
- questionnaire (for all categories);
- registration form (only for regional representatives and legal entities).
4.4. The applicant is considered accepted as a member of the Organization from the day the Board makes a decision on his admission to membership of the Organization.
4.5. Membership in the Organization does not impose any restrictions on its members in their main or any other activities.
4.6. The organization is the holder of the register of its members.
5. Procedure for leaving members of the Organization
5.1. The withdrawal of a member from the Organization is carried out by submitting a written application addressed to the President of the Organization.
5.2. The date of withdrawal of a member from the Organization is the day the Organization receives a written application for the withdrawal of the specified member from the Organization. From this moment all rights and obligations of a Member of the Organization provided for by this Charter are terminated.
6. Conditions and procedure for expulsion from members of the Organization
6.1. A member of the Organization may be expelled from it by decision of the Board of the Organization in cases where he grossly violates his duties or by his actions (inaction) makes the activities of the Organization impossible or significantly complicates it, including:
- when a member of the Organization conceals information that results in the impossibility of his membership in the Organization in accordance with the requirements of the Charter of the Organization;
- in case of repeated failure to comply with the requirements of the Charter of the Organization and other documents of the Organization adopted by the governing bodies of the Organization in accordance with their competence;
- in case of repeated actions committed in violation of decisions of the Organization or the General Meeting of Members of the Organization.
6.2. The date of expulsion of a member (members) of the Organization is the day the corresponding decision is made by the Board of the Organization.